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2010 HSIE Assessment Task: Map of the Natural Disaster

March 17, 2010


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All were accessed on 17/3/10

HSIE Assessment Task 2010: 2004 Tsunami: Human Responses

March 16, 2010

Around 3 Billions of US dollars in cash is claimed to be donated from around the world for recovering the damages. The response didn’t come really fast as people and i myself were expecting but they are coming after all. Medical aids just from a company called Direct Relief Global reached 45 million of dollars, which were very large for an individual company, and to add more they even donated 13 million of dollars in cash to Indonesia, Thailand, Sri Lanka and Indonesia.  The governments of the affected countries are really unstable, and because of that fact they can’t supply and deliver much aids for the needs at the moment. The conditions of the transportation paths are really bad so they aren’t getting enough aids as were promised.

People’s lives are in serious danger because of the mobilization of aids are frozen because of  bad condition of infrastructures, so in another word, the helpers are ready to help, the victims are there waiting for the aids and the governments are struggling finding ways to make the helpers and victims communicate and supply aids immediately.

One of the smaller factors of the late delivery of goods were relief problems. People from accross the globe from different countries, they have different lives and different relieves. They are currently sharing the same goal of supplying the goods together, but they also need to keep their reputation, showing their values and why they are better than everyone else. That aren’t really stopping much of the aids from getting to people’s hands after all because they are working that out nicely.



All were accessed on 16/3/10

2010 HSIE Assessment Task: Natural Disasters: The Effects That Tsunami Had On People

March 15, 2010

The tsunami effects on the Earth is very large, it killed around 180,000 to 230,000 people in total and 130,000 to 160,000 people in Indonesia alone and over 1.69 millions of people were left without a shelter. According to the total lost lives, the earthquake that created the tsunami was counted in the tenth deadliest earthquakes in human history. The affected countries’ governments are worrying that the death toll is going to rise much more due to hunger and diseases from dirty food and water, but fortunately the food and water supplies is coming quite quickly and big in amount so this is being minimized alot. The world will donate around 7 billion US dollars to help and supply the affected countries. The earthquake is causing the whole planet Earth to vibrate and moved about 1 cm as we believe.

For the fishers and coastal livers, they have to pay huge costs. There boats, fishing gears and other tools that were bought with all of their money hoping for a job to live day by day were gone with the waves. They did earn money, but not that much to recover their houses, rebuy their tools and of course to bring back their relative lives.

On the economy side, there are some losses, but not that much to be worried about. The affected countries didn’t rely too much on tourism and fishing, so the GDPs aren’t falling very much. The side that they need to worry about is the infrastructure, a huge part of the coastal cities that were affected disappeared after the waves blasted. Farm crops and lands were hit and because sea stores salt, salt kills plants. That will actually take at least a few months for recovering in my opinion.

The tsunami spreaded alot of things across the Indian Ocean, one of them were pollution. These polluted water that were stored on the shores of industrial zones, came into the waves hit and spreaded the dirts all over the ocean and coasts. 17 coral reefs in Maldives, which were storing fresh water before the tsunami, now have pollution in it and scientists said that they wouldn’t expect anyone to live there at least for a few hundred years.



All were accessed on: 15/3/10

2010 HSIE Assessment Task: Natural Disaster: The Causes of 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

March 1, 2010

The main reason that caused the 9.0 degrees on Richter scale earthquake on the Indian Ocean seafloor was that the 2 tectonic plates of Indian plate and Burma plate were sliding on top of each other, left behind a displacement of seafloor for about 10 metres wide and few metres thick. it then realeases the energy that was stored inside the Earth for a long time, pushed it outside creating a force that was 2,300 times larger than the atomic bomb dropped by the US Army onto Hiroshima. 

This of course pushes all of the water in all directions with the speed of few hundred kilometres per hour, hitting eleven counries that are bordered with Indian Ocean. The waves of the tsunami reached up to 15 metres at some countries, but in fact the sailors on the ocean didn’t notice it because the farther away from land, the lower the waves are. This disaster is being listed as the deadliest tsunami in human history, killing from 180,000 to 230,000 people as we believe from South East Asia to Africa. This happened just yesterday, 26-12-2004, the boxing day. 




 Accessed on 1/3/2010.

2010 HSIE assesment task: Natural Disaster: About Tsunami

February 23, 2010

A tsunami is caused by an earthquake in the bottom of an ocean, created by two tectonic plates moving past each other, a volcanic eruption or some other sea floor interactions, creating force that pushes water upwards faster and stronger. Sometimes a tsunami can reach up to 1,900km away from its epicenter and can be experienced really far away, depending on the magnitude of the earthquake which is measured by the seismograph which are located on sea floors to predict, analyze earthquakes under oceans.

Tsunami creates big giant waves that sweep from the sea into land, which can go up a few kilometres inland. Waves can be as high as 30m.

Here is a demonstration of how a tsunami could be created by sea floor earthquakes.

Reference from and were accessed on 23/2/10.

Hello world!

February 22, 2010

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