2010 HSIE Assessment Task: Natural Disasters: The Effects That Tsunami Had On People

The tsunami effects on the Earth is very large, it killed around 180,000 to 230,000 people in total and 130,000 to 160,000 people in Indonesia alone and over 1.69 millions of people were left without a shelter. According to the total lost lives, the earthquake that created the tsunami was counted in the tenth deadliest earthquakes in human history. The affected countries’ governments are worrying that the death toll is going to rise much more due to hunger and diseases from dirty food and water, but fortunately the food and water supplies is coming quite quickly and big in amount so this is being minimized alot. The world will donate around 7 billion US dollars to help and supply the affected countries. The earthquake is causing the whole planet Earth to vibrate and moved about 1 cm as we believe.

For the fishers and coastal livers, they have to pay huge costs. There boats, fishing gears and other tools that were bought with all of their money hoping for a job to live day by day were gone with the waves. They did earn money, but not that much to recover their houses, rebuy their tools and of course to bring back their relative lives.

On the economy side, there are some losses, but not that much to be worried about. The affected countries didn’t rely too much on tourism and fishing, so the GDPs aren’t falling very much. The side that they need to worry about is the infrastructure, a huge part of the coastal cities that were affected disappeared after the waves blasted. Farm crops and lands were hit and because sea stores salt, salt kills plants. That will actually take at least a few months for recovering in my opinion.

The tsunami spreaded alot of things across the Indian Ocean, one of them were pollution. These polluted water that were stored on the shores of industrial zones, came into the waves hit and spreaded the dirts all over the ocean and coasts. 17 coral reefs in Maldives, which were storing fresh water before the tsunami, now have pollution in it and scientists said that they wouldn’t expect anyone to live there at least for a few hundred years.








All were accessed on: 15/3/10

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